DLRG local group Rheinhausen
received on Friday a new BINZ water rescue emergency vehicle based on a
Sprinter 316 CDI.
Since the local group Rheinhausen received no subsidies from country/federation for the procurement of a new water rescue emergency vehicle, the complete procurement costs had to be financed by own means of the relief organization and predominantly by donations. Only in this way was it possible for the DLRG Rheinhausen to purchase a water rescue vehicle of this size.
The all-wheel drive emergency vehicle has a fording depth of 550 mm. The vehicle offers space for five emergency personnel. The DLRG-specific loading is accommodated in a shelf module system in accordance with the load securing regulations in the equipment/cargo compartment. In addition, the interior is equipped with a clothing module for storage of wetsuits, weather protection jackets- u. pants, etc.. In addition, the equipment/load compartment is designed with an airline rail system that serves to further secure the load. A transport-safe holder for a spineboard is located on the ceiling paneling. The complete crew and equipment/cargo compartment is equipped with a waterproof, elastic BINZ decorative safety flooring and ABS interior panels.
We wish the comrades of the DLRG OG Rheinhausen a safe journey and a safe return from all their missions.