Plüderhausen / Baden-Wuerttemberg

An important cornerstone of the company is the southern sales office in Plüderhausen, Baden-Wuerttembergg. Here, in addition to consulting and sales, we also offer a service point coordinated by the headquarters in Ilmenau.

You can find the location and detailed directions on our contact page.


BINZ Ambulance- und Umwelttechnik GmbH
South office
Im Rank 10
73655 Plüderhausen


Phone: +49 7181 88791-0
Fax: +49 7181 88791-65


The southern sales office is located in Plüderhausen, a municipality in the greater Stuttgart area, and is thus ideally accessible from southern Germany and Europe.

Download directions as PDF

Sales and service base

Our premises in Plüderhausen offer optimal conditions for consultation meetings and vehicle handovers. Our perfectly equipped workshop is an important service base for our customers from the south of Germany.

Site History

Other locations in Germany

Ilmenau / Thuringia

Plauen / Saxony